High Speed Data Transfer

Customers continue to demand higher speeds and improved reliability for their computer networks, not only in their headquarters but also at remote or mobile locations which are frequently scattered around the globe.

iosat broadband solutions are based on best of breed VSAT and IP technologies that are capable of providing public IP network access from any remote or mobile location on the globe. This includes:

  • Access to corporate IT systems (such as databases and email servers)
  • Web access to the Internet and company Intranet
  • File sharing
  • Monitor and Control applications
  • Training and educational programs (such as E-learning and remote Doctor help)

The technology’s scalability allows networks to grow and evolve from their initial configurations. We offer a wireless IP network on top of satellite broadband link. This solution due of its wireless nature, is a perfect solution for businesses with temporary or short-term network needs, that require fast deployment such as major events, special building projects or mining and oil exploration.
We provide both fixed Public IP or DHCP schemes depending on our customer’s needs. The VSAT provides solid communications with Download speeds ranging from 64Kbps to 4Mbps (for smaller 1.2m antennas), while upload range from 32Kbps to 2Mbps.

Video Conferencing

With video conferencing, you can improve your company’s efficiency and spirit by bringing people together without the need for everyone to physically share the same location.

For organizations with clients and/or staff in different locations, video conferencing offers an efficient means of communicating, collaborating and making decisions, without the need for costly, time-consuming travel.
Video conferencing together with file sharing allow us to make presentations, review documents and reach faster decisions. Used effectively, video conferencing can have a dramatic effect on the way people do business. Although productivity increases are the most obvious benefit of the technology, users of video conferencing also enjoy substantial savings through reduced travel, accommodation and hospitality expenses. In today’s environment, where many employees and employers are concerned with the safety and time-related issues of travelling, this is a major advantage.
Quality video conferencing requires a broadband connection with minimum bandwidth of 128Kbps, and 512Kbps for optimal quality.

iosat can assure the necessary bandwidth required for video conferencing and guarantee quality of service (QoS), that is impossible to guarantee when using terrestrial technologies like ADSL, Cable and ISDN, where the data transfer speed varies greatly, depending on location and usage.